Current and Upcoming Exhibitions


GRoup invitational at the butler institute of american art
Opening reception: September 8, 2024

Show dates: September 8, 2024 - November 10, 2024

Butler Institute of American Art
524 Wick Avenue
Youngstown, OH  44502
(330) 743-1107



The Architecture of Connection, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia PA


Transitional Space, Dowling Walsh Gallery, Rockland, ME


Brief Window, Dowling Walsh Gallery, Rockland, ME


Ways and Intersections, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia, PA


The Unseen Aspect, Dowling Walsh Gallery, Rockland, ME


Alexandra Tyng: Maine, Fischbach Gallery, New York, NY


Right Here: New Maine Island Paintings, Dowling Walsh Gallery, Rockland, ME


Above and Beyond, Fischbach Gallery, New York, NY


Wide Angles and Peripheral Visisons, Fischbach Gallery, New York, NY

Alexandra Tyng '71, Select Gallery, Philadelphia, PA


On the House, Fischbach Gallery, New York, NY


Maine Times, Fischbach Gallery, New York, NY


Paintings of Maine, Fischbach Gallery, New York, NY


Alexandra Tyng, Fischbach Gallery, NY, City Arts League, Philadelphia, PA


Lakes and Camps, University City Arts League, Philadelphia, PA

Group Exhibitions


The Maine Event II, Gallery 222, Malvern, PA
Allied Artists of America Associates Show (Grand Prize)
Allied Artists of America 111th Annual Exhibition, The Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, OH


The Art of Penobscot Bay, Thos Moser Galleries, Freeport, ME


Allied Artists of America 109th Annual Exhibition, The Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, OH. (Florence and Ernst Thorne Thompson Memorial Award)


12th Annual Figurative Drawing & Painting Exhibition, Lore Degenstein Gallery, Susquehanna University, PA, curated by Anne Harris
Seeing the Story, 79th Annual Exhibition, curated by David Wiesner, The Woodmere Art Museum, Philadelphia PA (Maybelle Longstreet Prize)
Shades of Blue, curated by Patricia Watwood and Michael Gormley, DFN Projects, New York, NY; Portraits, Inc., Birmingham, AL
Inside Looking Out, curated by Douglas Martenson, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia, PA


Allied Artists of America 107th Exhibition, National Arts Club, New York, NY, Len G. Memorial Award
The Maine Event, Gallery 222, Malvern, PA
Holiday Salon, Dowling Walsh Gallery, Rockland, ME


10th Annual Figurative Drawing & Painting Exhibition, Lore Degenstein Gallery, Susquehanna University, PA
Maine, the Painted State, Greenhut Gallery, Portland, ME
Painting the Figure II, Wausau Museum of Contemporary Art, WI


Trust the Process, curated by Randall Graham, Gallery 222, Malvern PA


Women Painting Women: In Earnest, curated by Alia El-Bermani, Customs House Museum, Clarkesville, TN; Texas A&M J. Wayne Stark Gallery.
Painted - Paint - Painting, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
Head On: An insight into Philadelphia's finest artists via the self-portrait, curated by Susan O'Reilly, Duke Gallery, Wallingford, PA
Sight Unseen, curated by Alia El-Bermani, Abend Gallery, Denver, CO


In Plain Sight/Hindsight, Fischbach Gallery, New York, NY
8th Annual National Figurative Exhibition, Susquehanna University, PA, curated by Judy Takacs


America's Parks I Encore, Curated by David traveling museum exhibition (into 2016)

As Far As the Eye Can See: Landscapes, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

Blue Drawings, Portraits, Inc. New York, NY

Some Like it Hot: Paintings of Summer, Fischbach Gallery, New York, NY

Six Philadelphia Artists, The Haynes Galleries, Nashville, TN


America Seen: 8 Artists, Fischbach Gallery, New York, NY

6th Annual National Figurative Exhibition, Susquehanna University, PA, curated by Pamela Wilson

78th Annual Midyear Show, Butler Institute of American Art, OH


America’s Parks: Through the Beauty of Art, traveling invitational, curated by David J. Wagner

Women Painting Women (R)evolution, The Principle Gallery, Alexandria, VA

Women Painting Women: A Room of Her Own, The Haynes Galleries, Nashville, TN

Greetings From Paradise, Fischbach Gallery, New York, NY

Zero Weather, Fischbach Gallery, New York, NY


Small Things, Haynes Galleries, Nashville, TN

Wish You Were Here, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

The Portrait in American Realism, The Haynes Galleries, Nashville, TN

Likeness, curated by Brooke Hine in collaboration with InLiquid, Board of Ethics, Philadelphia, PA

The Expedition & Beyond, Principle Gallery, Alexandria, VA


3rd National Figurative Drawing and Painting Competition and Exhibition, Susquehanna University, PA

The Value of Water, The Cathedral Church of St. John the Devine, New York, NY

Art to Collect Now, The Center For Maine Contemporary Art, Rockport, ME

75th Annual Midyear Show, Butler Institute of American Art, OH

This is the Morning After the Night Before, Fischbach Gallery, NY


Women Painting Women, Robert Lange Studios, Charleston, SC

Inspiring Figures, Butler Institute of American Art, OH

33rd Annual Juried Painting and Sculpture Exhibition for Non-Members, Salmagundi Club, NY

Annual Midyear Exhibition, Butler Institute of American Art, OH


150 Years & More: Celebrating the Philadelphia Sketch Club (invitational), PA

National Figurative Drawing and Painting Juried Exhibition, Susquehanna University, PA

Monhegan, Dowling Walsh Gallery, Rockland, ME

Everyone Loves Good News, Fischbach Gallery, NY

Consider the Lobster, gWatson Gallery, Stonington, ME

Philadelphia, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia, PA


Transmitting From the Third Planet From the Center of the Universe, Fischbach Gallery, NY

Monhegan, Dowling-Walsh Gallery Rockland, ME

Summer Group Exhibition, gWatson Gallery, Stonington, ME


Allied Artists of America 94th Annual Exhibition, National Arts Club, New York, NY

Portraiture: A Philadelphia Tradition, Wayne Art Center, Wayne, PA

Now See This, Fischbach Gallery, New York, NY

Nancy Morgan Barnes, Alexandra Tyng: New Paintings, gWatson Gallery, Stonington, ME

August, Art and A/C, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

Favorite Things, Juried Exhibition, Atlanta Fine Arts League

144th Annual Exhibition of Small Oil Paintings, Philadelphia Sketch Club, Philadelphia, PA

67th Annual Juried Exhibition, Woodmere Art Museum, Philadelphia, PA


Dear Fleisher, Invitational Exhibition and Sale of original art to benefit the Samuel S. Fleischer Art Memorial, Philadelphia, PA

66th Annual Juried Exhibition, Woodmere Art Museum, Philadelphia, PA

143rd Annual Exhibition of Small Oil Paintings, Philadelphia Sketch Club, Philadelphia, PA

Exploring the House, Ocean City Arts Center, NJ (two-person show with Carla Tudor)

The Chelsea Classic, Fischbach Gallery, New York, NY

Philadelphia, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

The Maine Landscape: 25 Artists, gWatson Gallery, Stonington, ME


65th Annual Juried Exhibition, Woodmere Art Museum, Philadelphia, PA

Joining Forces: Portrait and Figure, The American College, Bryn Mawr, PA

Group Show, gWatson Gallery, Stonington, ME

71st Regional Exhibition, Arnot Art Museum, Elmira, NY


64th Annual Juried Exhibition, Woodmere Art Museum, Philadelphia, PA

Philadelphia, New Paintings, Gross McCleaf Gallery. Philadelphia, PA


Face It: Portraits, St Louis Artists’ Guild, St. Louis, MO (juried)

Light as Air, Fischbach Gallery, New York, NY


Contemporary Realism V, M.A. Doran Gallery, Tulsa, OK

Mi Casa es Su Casa, Fischbach Gallery, New York, NY


Y2$: Artwork for the Millennium @ $2,000, Fischbach Gallery, New York, NY

Gone Fisching: Selected Paintings of Summer, Fischbach Gallery, New York, NY


Wet Paint, Fischbach Gallery, New York, NY

Summer & Blue, Fischbach Gallery, New York, NY


Hearth and Home, Champion International Corporation, Stamford, CT


Fischbach Gallery, New York, NY


Oils: An Exhibition of Paintings, University City Arts League, Philadelphia, PA


Architectural Landscapes, University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business, Philadelphia, PA (two-person show with Carla Tudor)


Third Street Gallery, Philadelphia, PA


FOCUS: Women in the Visual Arts, Philadelphia Art Alliance, Philadelphia, PA (juried)